Oracle 11g

Introduction Oracle

                    Oracle 11g is the beg database system and mostly all companies have been using the oracle database system for data and information records storing . Identify the major structural components of Oracle Database 11g .Retrieve row and column data from tables with the SELECT statement .Create reports of sorted and restricted data. Employ SQL functions to generate and retrieve customized data. Run data manipulation language (DML) statements to update data in Oracle Database 11g. Obtain metadata by querying the dictionary views

Introduction PL/SQL

              PL/SQL is a procedural language .basically the PL/SQL is a bulk structure language once we are submitting  PL/SQL block into the oracle server .oracle 6.0 up to all version can do the PL/SQL language .then the all procedure statement are executed in within PL/SQL engine and also al sql statements executed  separately with in sql engine sql engine is outside of the PL/SQL engine 

  1.          Select ….into clause
  2.          %type %rowtype
  3.          Conditional statement
  4.          Control statement
  5.          Bind variable

Block structure 

Declare [optional]
        Variable declaration, cursor , user defined exception
Begin [mandatory]
        DM L(data manipulation languages), TCL
         Select…into clause ;
Conditional, control statement;
Exception [optional]
         Handling run time error ;
End; [mandatory]

PL/SQL have a two type of blocks

1) Anonymous  Blocks
2) Named Blocks

Anonymous Blocks
  •                This block doesn’t have any name
  • ·         This block are not stored in database
  • ·         This block are not allowed to call In client application

Named Blocks
  • ·         Named Block should have a name
  • ·         This block are automation and permanently stored in database
  • ·         We can also call the block in client application  

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