Go Language

    Beginning of Go Program:

    The Go programming language is an open source project to create programmers more creative. The go program some functions are similar to the c and C++ programing language.in the go program we can use as a embedded program machine control, robotics, artificial intelligent and gaming as well as the big mathematical problems can be solve by using the Go programing language. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically  typed, interpreted language. Where will get the Go programming compiler? The go program compiler is available in the https://golang.org/dl/  site the Go program is supported all plat form such as Linux, Windows, MAC OS and UNIX operating system  as  like the c programing running the go program can be run   

From Hello World to writing Highly Concurrent Programs

                                             Getting started: Hello World

package main
“fmt” )
Func main()
fmt.printf(“Hello ,world !!! \n”)
fmt.println(“It is my First Go program”)

The package should be  in small letter May be you put it the printf in small letter it will show you error Like

Prog.go:8: cannot refer to unexpected name fmt.printf
[process exited with non-zero status]

Variables simple types and declarations 

Package main
func main(){
var varuable_name String
fmt.printf(“Hello,world! \n”)

Package main
func main(){
var  varuable_name  String
varuable_name=”hellow world”


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